opening hours
There is a distinction between public hours and the other hours for the use of the Duiktank Transfo
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saterday | Sunday | |
9-10u | |||||||
10-11u | closed | public | public | ||||
11-12u | closed | public | public | ||||
12u13u | closed | public | public | ||||
13-14u | closed | public | public | ||||
14-15u | closed | public | public | ||||
15-16u | closed | public | public | ||||
16-17u | closed | public | public | ||||
17-18u | closed | public | public | ||||
18-19u | closed | public | public | public | public | public | public |
19-20u | closed | public | public | public | public | public | public |
20-21u | closed | public | public | public | public | ||
21-22u | closed |
Public hours
During public hours every diver, who is accompanied by a dive buddy or group and is older then 14 years of age, can dive according to the general rules of their own dive federation. For small groups (< 10 people) there is an individual rate for every diver. For groups bigger then 10 people there is a group rate available.
Duiktank Transfo provides for public hours, without additional cost, a certified rescue diver to ensure supervision and safety at the waterfront at all times.
Other hours
Outside public hours, there is a possibility to rent the venue partially or fully to dive according to the general rules of your own dive federation. When the venue is partially rented the same prices apply as in public hours. When you fully rent the venue a lump sum is charged, independent of the amount of divers.
Duiktank Transfo does not provide a certified rescue diver outside of public hours. The group can (1) supply their own rescue diver, who -has to be certified in Belgium- or (2) pay an extra €30 per hour and get a certified rescue diver provided by Duiktank Transfo.
Please contact if there are any questions.